Natural Throat Soothing Tea


I woke up this morning, and a frog had moved into my throat.

Or was it a horned toad?

It legitimately packed its bags, settled into the top of my esophagus, and has put in a request to pay rent on the 15th of the month.

Well, guess what, my annoying little metaphorical amphibian friend. You're not welcomed. And you're about to get evicted.

Today is a big day for this momma. Some exciting new ventures that are going to require me to be talking to folks, being on the phone A LOT - on top of taking care of two sweet babies, who require my full attention, to breast feed or to sit and watch their living room interpretive dances to a Maren Morris song. 

Either way - being healthy, strong, and able to tackle today, of all days, is extremely important right now.

Every time I need any sort of immune support, I always take the road less traveled and go down the natural path first.

And when it comes to my throat, I've found my favorite natural combination of herbs and essential oils that allow me to tackle the day.

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Natural Throat Soothing Tea


1 Cup Hot Water

1 Bag of Throat Coat Tea

2 Tbsp Honey

2 Drops YL Lemon Vitality Essential Oil

2 Drops YL Thieves Vitality Essential Oil

2 Drops YL Frankincense Vitality Essential Oil

1/4 Tsp Cayenne Pepper


Now, again, before you flip a lid and wonder why whiskey is involved - no, it's not because I'm wanting to get a buzz. Whiskey, in very small amounts, is a timeless ingredient used for ages to sooth throats in hot tea. I've used this recipe many times, and always feel a much better difference when I add a small splash of whiskey to the mixture. And hey - if you don't want to do that - totally cool, my friend! It's all personal preference.

The main ingredients that make this tea work the way it does - is the YL essential oils. Those are the only ones I would EVER use to drink in my tea, as they're the only ones I'd ever remotely trust to take internally, because I know all about how they are sourced and created. Thieves, Lemon, and Frankincense are highly powerful in supporting the immune system, and always leave my throat feeling refreshed and renewed when I drink drops in my tea.


Steep tea bag into cup of hot water for 1 minute. Add in drops of YL vitality essential oils. Mix in honey and whiskey. Add a dash of cayenne pepper and mix well. Drink and enjoy!

Order your YL essential oils for 24% off here.