8 Safer Options to *DEADLY* Household Products

Some of the most dangerous things that affect our health are things we willingly expose ourselves to on the daily.

And get this - it might not be what you expect!

In fact, you might be completely oblivious to the fact that the products we use on ourselves, in our home, on our children, and in our everyday lives, could be the very things that are contributing to why we’re sick, why we have health problems, why we struggle emotionally, and why we are not living a life full of wellness, purpose, and abundance.

So, let's identify these toxins by going through every room of our house. We'll pinpoint them, explain reasons to ditch them, and give you safe alternatives you can use to replace it!


Store bought household cleaning products contain 2-butoxyethanol, which is a toxin known to cause sore throat, narcosis, and severe liver and kidney damage. Recent studies indicate that the chemicals a housekeeper inhales daily are just as damaging as smoking a pack of cigarettes a day.

Bleach, when mixed with mold, creates a toxic compound. 

Store bought soaps contain sodium laureth sulfate, a toxic chemical used to remove car grease off of garage floors. This can be damaging to the skin, as well as disruptive to immune health and hormonal health.


USE THIS INSTEAD: Thieves Household Cleaner

-Perfect, safe, healthy, effective alternative to clean your home.

-Replaced all cleaners under my sink with this.

-Works on all surfaces.

-It’s a concentrate, so you only need 1-2 capfuls.

-One bottle lasts a LONG TIME! Saves you tons of money.

Read more info about it here.

OTHER KITCHEN MUST-HAVES: Thieves Dish Soap, Thieves Foaming Hand Soap, Thieves Fruit & Veggie Soak & Spray.


Store bought laundry detergents and dryer sheets contain alpha-terpineol and benzyl alcohol, which are toxic ingredients that cause things like central nervous system disorders, loss of muscular coordination, central nervous system depression, headaches, nausea, and vomiting.

Laundry detergents and dryer sheets are one of the most toxic products in your home – because you wash and dry your clothes in these chemicals, and your skin absorbs those chemicals all day long as you wear your clothes.

USE THIS INSTEAD: Thieves Laundry Soap

-Plant based formula, no toxic chemicals or synthetic residue, safe for cloth diapering

-Can wash up to 64 loads of laundry, so it saves you money by using just one capful of soap per load

-Tough on stains, light citrus scent

-Natural enzymes and powerful essential oils add to the formula’s strength

Read more about it here.

OTHER LAUNDRY ROOM MUST-HAVES: Purification Essential Oil, Thieves Spray, Meadow Mist Deodorant


The FDA requires a poison warning on every tube of fluoride toothpaste now sold in the US. Risks from ingesting fluoride toothpaste include permanent tooth discoloration (dental fluorosis), stomach ailments, acute toxicity, skin rashes (perioral dermatitis), and impairment in glucose metabolism.

Women apply over 300 chemicals to their face and skin per day, including talc, bismuth, parabens, lead, mercury, and mineral oil. These chemicals are all found in store bought skin care and makeup products, which can disrupt the endocrine system, are highly carcinogenic, and have even been found in tumors.

Both adult and kid shampoos contain phthalates, a toxic chemical that has been banned in children’s toys, but is still found in body cleansing products. It is known to be an endocrine disruptor, and very hard for the body to break down when used consistently during bath time.

USE THIS INSTEAD: Thieves Aromabright Toothpaste

-Contains no synthetic dyes, artificial flavors, or preservatives. Best of all, no fluoride.

-Has Peppermint, Spearmint, and Cinnamon Bark essential oils, along with our popular Thieves blend, which give this toothpaste a sweet spicy-mint flavor.

-Gives you all the benefits you want, without the side effects that chemical toothpastes can bring.

Read more about it here.

OTHER BATHROOM MUST HAVES: ART Skincare Line (cleansers, toner, moisturizers, etc), Bon Voyage Travel Pack (small containers of toothpaste, mouthwash, hand purifier, shampoo, conditioner, bath gel, lotion, etc), Lavender or Stress Away Bath Bombs


In the bedroom, we use stuff to help us breathe well at night, sleep better, wind down, soothe muscles, support our overall wellness - and for adults, to have intimate times with our spouse. All of that requires the usage of products!

According to university studies, things like Vicks VapoRub can have severe effects on breathing, because it may stimulate mucus production and airway inflammation.

Sleep aids and medications can cause things like burning or tingling sensations, changes in appetite, hallucinations, constipation, diarrhea, difficulty keeping balance, dizziness, daytime drowsiness, dry mouth or throat.

Over the counter lubricants can cause irritation, sensitivity, urinary tract infections, and rashes.

USE THIS INSTEAD: Everyday Oils Collection, or Premium Starter Kit

-Contains 11 oils to help you sleep, support wellness, soothe muscles, enjoy intimacy, breathe easy, wind down

-Lavender & Stress Away for sleep, Panaway for applying over the muscles after a long day, Thieves or Lemon or Peppermint (Vitality) in some hot water to support digestion and the immune system, Frankincense for healthy skin, Raven in the diffuser for a breathe-easy aroma 

Read more about it here.

OTHER BEDROOM MUST-HAVES: Rainstone Diffuser, Sensation Massage Oil, Sleep Essence supplement


The main ingredient in candles and home sprays is formaldehyde, which is the number one cancer causing chemical, and is what we get embalmed with at the morgue.

They say inhaling scents from candles or sprays is the equivalent to inhaling second hand smoke, which is even more dangerous than actually smoking the cigarette itself.

The living room is a place for family, but also a place for friends and company. You want that space to feel homey, warm, smell good, and look good.


USE THIS INSTEAD: Desert Mist Diffuser

-Looks so pretty. Very Joanna Gaines.

-Comes in the PSK, or get it separately.

-Healthy air freshener!

Read more about it here.

OTHER LIVING ROOM MUST HAVES: Stress Away Roll-On, Thieves Wipes, and you’ll always catch me drinking some Slique Tea in my living room, too.


When I think of the office, I think of a place where you need to concentrate, stay alert, stay awake, and get stuff done.

Many people drink energy drinks in their office. But the dangers of these overly-caffeinated drinks include palpitations, high blood pressure, nausea and vomiting, convulsions, headaches, migraines, and increased anxiety, just to name a few.


-Contains NONE of the chemicals that are within other energy drinks.

-Contains natural flavors and sweeteners, white tea extract, and added vitamins.

-35 mg of naturally occurring caffeine, and only 35 calories per can – so it’s a sweet, guilt-free boost for your early morning, long afternoon, or anytime you need a little Zyng.

Read more about it here.

OTHER OFFICE MUST-HAVES: Gentle Mist Personal Diffuser, Wolfberry Crisp Bars, Clarity Essential Oil


Many baby products contain the listed ingredient “fragrance,” which is simply a broad category that hides hundreds of toxic chemicals behind that word itself.

Companies are not required to reveal the actual chemicals that are within the “fragrance” category, hence keeping the public in the dark about the true toxicity of the products we use on our little ones.

When we use these products on ourselves and our children on a daily basis, the toxins build up and accumulate within our bodies – a process called “bioaccumulation.” This means that the more we expose ourselves to these toxins, the harder it is for our bodies to break them down. Because of this build up, it causes both minor and major health issues - stuff that can be prevented if we simply quit using those toxins. Even if these health issues aren’t apparent right now, they will be apparent later on down the road.


USE THIS INSTEAD: KidScents Essential Oils

-Geneyus, Owie, SleepyIze, TummyGize, SnifflEase. All of those are oil blends made specifically for kids and everything they go through throughout the day. Having these oils readily available in the playroom is a great way to be prepared as a mom!

-Geneyus: Help them think clearly to do their homework, or have creativity or imagination while playing

-Owie: for their skin if they step on a lego or trip over a toy

-SleepyIze: if you want to get them to calm down or take a nap

-TummyGize: to apply over their tummy after meals

-SniffleEase: to apply on their chest or under their nose

Read more about them here.

OTHER PLAYROOM MUST-HAVES: Seedlings Wipes, Diaper Rash Cream, Dino Land Diffuser (or dolphin)


The Environmental Working Group recently showed the chemicals commonly used in sunscreen are endocrine disruptors, estrogenic, carcinogenic, and may interfere with thyroid and other hormone processes in the body. They also tested nearly 1,500 different sunscreens – and out of all of those tested, here’s what they concluded:

-Only 5% met their safety standards

-Over 40% were listed as potentially contributing to skin cancer

The most popular chemical, oxybenzone, is found in 96% of sunscreens. And a recent study by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention showed that this chemical can reduce sperm count in men and may contribute to endometriosis in women. Not to mention, the other chemicals listed have been known to be contributors to horrible diseases and health issues, including cancer. 


USE THIS INSTEAD: Young Living’s Mineral Sunscreen.

-No toxic chemicals present, and no nanoparticles

-Water resistant and sweat resistant for 80 minutes

-SPF 10, BUT it blocks both UVA and UVB rays, and SPF is only measured by its protection from UVB rays

OTHER PORCH MUST-HAVES: Lavaderm After-Sun Spray, Insect Repellant, Hand Purifier

Why would we willingly want to expose ourselves or our kids to stuff like that?

Educating ourselves on the dangers of common household items are not for "fear factor" purposes. Instead, knowledge is power. Ditching the toxins and switching to natural alternatives could mean a longer, happier, healthier, more abundant life - for yourself, and your family.

