Peppermint Essential Oil

you Will be overwhelmed by its uses to support the body


Young Living's Peppermint essential oil has been widely studied for its potential health benefits, and is a favorite for people all around the world. 
Peppermint's primary active component - menthol - is extracted from the leaves and flowering tops of the peppermint plant. After you read this, look up menthol for yourself and see how awesome it can be for your health and wellness! 
Peppermint is also another one of the most popular essential oils on the market, and seemingly appears to be available just about anywhere - but beware, not all essential oils are created equal!
If you were to walk into your local health food store and pick up a different brand of Peppermint essential oil from the shelf, you might notice that it also says "100% pure" on the bottle. That means it should be just as good as YL if its labeled that way, right? WRONG! 
If you flip the bottle over, you'll read in fine print that it says "do not ingest - for topical use only - for aromatic use only." That right there is your RED FLAG that it is not even remotely the same as Young Living. Unfortunately, store bought essential oils are only required to have a small percentage of 100% pure essential oil in order to be labeled 100% pure. The remainder of the ingredients are chemicals, perfumes, preservatives, and additives that have adulterated the essential oil's purity, making it very unsafe. 

Because of Young Living's seed to seal process, you know that the only thing you're getting inside that bottle is Peppermint. Not Peppermint and some imaginary friends.


Because Peppermint has been the subject of many studies over the years, the research behind this powerful essential oil is very abundant. Even if you did a simple google search on the uses for peppermint, you might be overwhelmed by its uses to support the body. Here is just a small list of what it can do:
-Supports and soothes the stomach
-Supports healthy breathing
-Improves concentration and mental sharpness
-Cools the body down
-Soothes muscles after a long workout
-Supports the urinary tract
...and the list goes on and on! 


Peppermint essential oil is best experienced when diffused, applied, or inhaled directly. 

To purchase Peppermint Essential Oil for 24% off, click here.