Who would've known that something as simple as Lemon would be so powerful? Young Living's Lemon Vitality Essential Oil is one that you must always have in your wellness arsenal.
YL Lemon is cold pressed from the lemon rind. Therefore, it is not from the acidic, pulpy, juicy inside of the fruit, and is much easier on your teeth and stomach than regular lemon juice is. It contains 68% limonene, a powerful compound offering a variety of health benefits that can be extracted from the peels of citrus fruits. (Look up limonene when you get a chance, it's incredible what it can do for the human body!)
Because of Young Living's seed to seal process, you know that the only thing you're getting inside that bottle is Lemon. Not Lemon and some imaginary friends.
Lemon Vitality essential oil is very versatile, and has a very wide range of things it can do to support the body. Here is a small list of things it is famous for:
-Uplifting to the mind and body
-Supports healthy skin
-Promotes clear skin
-Supports the nervous system
-Detoxifying for the body when taken internally
-Supports the immune system
-Promotes healthy bathroom visits
-Supports the digestive system
-Supports overall wellness
-Promotes creative thoughts and clarity
-Can enhance the flavor of food or drink
...and the list can go on and on!
Lemon Vitality essential oil is best experienced when taken internally. Add drops to your beverage, recipes, clear vegetable capsules, or directly into the mouth.
To purchase Lemon Vitality Essential Oil for 24% off, click here.