Young Living's Lavender is distilled from harvested, pure, and untouched lavender plant material. Though Lavender is probably the most popular essential oil on the market, many don't realize the superiority of Young Living's Lavender essential oil. What sets Young Living apart from all other essential oil companies is their farms are open to the public. You can visit any of their farms around the world, and have a hand in the planting, distilling, and harvesting of not only Lavender, but the other crops that Young Living has growing all over the place! You will never get to experience that seed to seal process with other companies or brands. With Young Living, you know their Lavender and all other YL essential oils are completely untouched, rigorously tested, and genuinely pure. Since Lavender essential oil is so popular in the essential oil world, there are many "Lavenders" out there to choose from. It is also the most adulterated of all essential oils, so it is very important to know what you're getting. There is a BIG difference between a $6 bottle of Lavender and a $23 bottle of Lavender! And with Young Living, you can not only see what you're getting, you can be a part of what you're getting! The information of where your YL Lavender comes from is not a secret under lock and key, like it is with other companies. So again, we are only recommending the use of Young Living's Lavender essential oil!


Lavender is considered the "Swiss Army Knife" of all essential oils because of its vast and wide range of powerful uses to support the body. Here's a short list of some of the things it can do for you:
-Assists the body when adapting to occasional stress
-Relaxes and calms for restful sleep
-Soothes and cleanses healthy skin
-Soothes skin when exposed to heat or sun
-Can support strong & healthy eyelashes by adding a drop to mascara
-Can support healthy hair growth
-Supports emotions
-Calming for babies and pets
-Soothes overactive muscles
-Supports breathing during seasonal changes
...and the list can go on and on!


Lavender essential oil is best experienced when diffused, applied, or inhaled directly. 

To purchase Lavender Essential Oil for 24% off, click here.