DiGize Vitality is a blend that is super important for everyone to have, because it can support the systems of everyone in the home - moms, dads, grandparents, kids, and animals alike. DiGize Vitality is one of Young Living's exclusive and proprietary dietary supplements, and inside this blend are powerful essential oils - so powerful, that many have found they can't be without DiGize as a part of their daily health regimen!
This unique blend contains ginger, anise, fennel, peppermint, tarragon, lemongrass, patchouli, and juniper essential oils. It also includes naturally occurring constituents like menthol, citrol, and zingiberen. Look those constituents up on your own time - do a quick google search on those compounds. You will be so excited to see their benefits for your body!
Because of Young Living's seed to seal process, you know that the only thing you're getting inside that bottle is the ingredients within the blend itself. Nothing else.
DiGize Vitality is commonly known as "your tummy's best friend." It is a dietary supplement, so please - be taking this one internally! You won't regret it! If you don't like the taste of it, put drops of it in your Ningxia Red, or fill up drops of it in a vegetable capsule and take it internally. Some even drink it in their glass water bottle daily.
For my family, DiGize Vitality has done a phenomenal job in allowing us to go to the bathroom. Because let's face it - we all poop. And we've gotta poop, because pooping is HEALTHY! If you don't poop, it can actually be really dangerous for your health.
It is by far one of the most potent and powerful things my family has ever used to support everything in your stomach. Does it smell good you ask? In my opinion - no. It smells awful. But hey, these oils aren't made to smell good. They're made to work!
Check out this list of things that DiGize Vitality can do:
-Supports the digestive system
-Supports healthy bathroom visits
-Supports the respiratory system
-Supports overall wellness
-Supports normal detoxification of the body
-Supports energy levels
...and the list goes on and on!
DiGize Vitality essential oil is best experienced when taken internally. Add drops to your beverage, recipes, clear vegetable capsules, or directly into the mouth.
To purchase DiGize Vitality Essential Oil for 24% off, click here.